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Quality management. Basic principles. (90,00 руб.)

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Первый авторСараева Н. В.
АвторыБарышев Н. В.
ИздательствоИзд-во ЛГТУ
АннотацияЦелью данного учебного пособия является дальнейшее ознакомление студентов с лексикой по специальности на базе текстов средней степени сложности, развитие навыков чтения, перевода, реферирования и аннотирования, а также активизация и накопление терминологической лексики. Учебное пособие по английскому языку «Quality management. Basic principles» знакомит студентов 2 курса направлений «Управление качеством» и «Стандартизация и метрология» с основными принципами и задачами управления качеством. Пособие содержит аутентичные материалы. Все тексты объединены общей тематикой, упражнения направлены на усвоение терминологической лексики и развитие навыков устного высказывания.
Кому рекомендованоСтудентам 2 курса направлений «Управление качеством» и «Стандартизация и метрология»
Сараева, Н. В. Quality management. Basic principles. : Учебное пособие / Н. В. Барышев; Н. В. Сараева .— Липецк : Изд-во ЛГТУ, 2012 .— 44 с. — ISBN 978-5-88247-538-2 .— URL: https://rucont.ru/efd/214798 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024)

Предпросмотр (выдержки из произведения)

Министерство образования и науки Российской Федерации Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования «ЛИПЕЦКИЙ ГОСУДАРСТВЕННЫЙ ТЕХНИЧЕСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ» QUALITY MANAGEMENT. <...> QUALITY MANAGEMENT (part I) Quality management is a method for ensuring that all the activities necessary to design, develop and implement a product or service are effective and efficient with respect to the system and its performance. <...> Quality management can be considered to have three main components: quality control, quality assurance and quality improvement. <...> Quality management therefore uses quality assurance and control of processes as well as products to achieve more consistent quality. <...> Quality Management is all activities of the overall management function that determine the quality policy, objectives and responsibilities and implement them by means such as quality control and quality improvements within a quality system. <...> This craft based approach to quality and the practices used were major inputs when quality management was created as a management science. <...> During the industrial revolution, the importance of craftsmen was diminished as mass production and repetitive work practices were instituted. <...> He is sometimes called "the father of scientific management." He was one of the intellectual leaders of the Efficiency Movement and part of his approach laid a further foundation for quality management, including aspects like standardization and adopting improved practices. <...> Henry Ford also was important in bringing process and quality management practices into operation in his assembly lines. <...> Walter A. Shewhart made a major step in the evolution towards quality management by creating a method for quality control for production, using statistical methods, first proposed in 1924. <...> W. Edwards Deming later applied statistical process control methods in the United States during World War II, thereby successfully improving quality in the manufacture of munitions and other strategically important products. <...> After the second world war, Japan decided to make quality improvement a national imperative as part of rebuilding their economy, and sought the help of Shewhart, Deming and Juran, amongst others. <...> W. Edwards Deming championed Shewhart's ideas in Japan from 1950 onwards. <...> In the 1980s Deming was asked by Ford Motor Company to start a quality initiative after they <...>
СОДЕРЖАНИЕ Text 1. QUALITY MANAGEMENT (part I) .......................................................... 4 Text 2. QUALITY MANAGEMENT (part II) ......................................................... 9 Text 3. SEVEN RULES FOR MANAGING QUALITY.........................................14 Text 4. QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .....................................................15 Text 5. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (part I) ............................................21 Text 6. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT (part II)...........................................26 Text 7. BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING ...............................................31 Text 8. QUALITY ASSURANCE (part I) ..............................................................33 Text 9. QUALITY ASSURANCE (part II) ............................................................38