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Electronic document management systems

изд-во СКФУ

The textbook (laboratory workshop) on the subject «Electronic document management systems» is made in accordance with the program of discipline for master students of the field of training: 09.04.02 Information systems and technologies, orientation (profile) «Data management». Laboratory works included in the textbook (laboratory workshop) contains: the purpose of the work, a list of knowledge skills that must be formed in the course of laboratory work in accordance with the competencies formed, necessary for the successful development of the material theoretical information, a list of equipment used, safety instructions, a detailed description of typical tasks and technology solutions, tasks to perform, the structure and content of the report on the implementation of the tasks proposed in the laboratory work, the list of control questions on the topic under study, to which the student must know the answers, a list of recommended for use in the development of the studied topics of basic and additional literature.

Предпросмотр: Electronic document management systems.pdf (0,2 Мб)